Atlas Air Worldwide

Helping an ESG Journey Take Flight

Sustainability Communications

Atlas Air Worldwide’s commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics dates to its earliest days. However, when Atlas wanted to take the next step to formalize its ESG strategy and disclose its progress, the company needed an experienced partner it could rely on to help bring this goal to fruition.

Atlas, an air cargo company, began working with Dix & Eaton in 2019 to help formulate the company’s ESG strategy, produce its first ESG report and communicate subsequent messaging around its efforts. Since publishing its inaugural ESG report in 2019, Atlas and Dix & Eaton have worked together to produce subsequent ESG reports for 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, in addition to ongoing communications for key audiences.

Dix & Eaton’s support has helped Atlas to:

  • Mature its reporting, including an enhanced focus on priority topics and alignment with reporting frameworks, to inform and engage a wide range of stakeholders on key ESG initiatives
  • Introduce and refine the company’s carbon emissions reduction targets
  • Build and enhance its sustainability presence on the company’s website
  • Develop social media and supplemental ESG summary documents and narratives to assist teams in communicating important ESG milestones and progress
  • Evolve its reporting to reflect its transition from a public company to a private equity-owned firm

Connect with the team that worked on this project

Chief Client Officer and Senior Managing Director

Gregg LaBar

Vice President

Angela Almasy

Vice President – Creative

Joanne Darrah

Senior Managing Director / Creative Director

Kevin Poor
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