
Navigating a ransomware attack: defending your brand during a data security incident

Analytics + Creative + Digital Crisis Communications


Ransomware attacks are the most common form of data security incidents and can impact organizations of any size in any industry.

Customers, employees and even vendors can be impacted, requiring effective communications to maintain revenue and rebuild trust among key audiences while a complicated, unpredictable and often time-consuming investigation proceeds.


While working alongside cyber security investigators and data security legal counsel, Dix & Eaton has provided ongoing situational support including:

  • Providing communications counsel that aligns with the organization’s brand promise
  • Ensuring relationships with all audiences are protected
  • Working with investigators to provide timely and constant updates for those impacted by a given attack
  • Developing action items for all audiences to help them protect any exfiltrated personal data


In each case, Dix & Eaton’s data security communications team was successful in helping impacted organizations – from a high-net-worth investment company to a popular non-profit entertainment venue and a construction-industry supplier with international operations – create and distribute reassuring communications via video, email and in-person communications.

In the end, whether the ransom payment was made or not, relevant audiences received the information they needed to maintain confidence in their organization while the organization protected its reputation and revenue streams.

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