by D&E Staff

February 14, 2020

Coming up with creative sales initiatives is a must with marketing products that get stale in their old age. So when a Girl Scout troop in Chicago thought about the old rule of supply and demand, they found an easy answer: Set up a sales station outside a new recreational marijuana store in Chicago.

With lines out the door following the January 1 date for legal sales of marijuana in Illinois, the dispensary presented new clientele that perfectly fit the bill for these innovative scouts as they began their annual cookie drive. “Hey, you know you’re going to want some cookies to go with that weed. For $5, you can pick up a box and make it a one-stop shop!”

It’s a great example of how out-of-the-box thinking can drive sales at key moments. This idea also had the strange incongruity of the growing acceptance of marijuana use by adults combined with kids taking advantage of the trend, making it newsworthy enough to attract media coverage nationwide. A public relations stunt or just a good idea to sell some cookies? Who cares – the troop sold 230 boxes in one day. Controversial, perhaps, but it’s hard to argue the success of this creative approach.

To discuss this topic or consult about a sales idea you’re considering, please email me at