by Karin Bonev

October 10, 2013

As consumers, we’re all familiar with leading brands such as Apple, Google, IBM, McDonald’s and Coca-Cola. These and other major corporations have long invested significant resources in building and marketing their iconic identities to consumers.

But the best brands understand that current and potential employees are also critical audiences. That’s why more and more organizations, from HR to the C-suite, are recognizing the importance of “employer branding” – translating their brand specifically for the employee audience and using compelling communications to help them connect to their brand.

A recent study tells us that more than 80 percent of global recruiting leaders say employer branding is a critical driver in hiring top talent. Websites, word of mouth and social professional networks are viewed as the most effective channels for shaping the employer brand.

In addition, more than half of the companies surveyed increased their investment in staff and other resources to support employer branding last year. Even so, most say they still don’t have sufficient resources to do the job effectively.

All indications point to rapid growth in employer branding in the coming years, so companies with strong employer brands will only grow stronger.

Is your organization doing all that it can to enhance its employer brand and keep up with the icons? 

If the answer isn’t a resounding “Yes,” consider these initial steps:

  • Assess your existing employer brand and ensure that it’s a reflection and extension of your organizational brand.
  • Review your employer brand messages. Are they consistent among current and prospective employees?
  • Leverage internal and external communications channels and monitor social media platforms such as Glass Door and LinkedIn.
  • Create a cross-functional team of marketing, communications and HR professionals to develop a consistent and cohesive employer brand.

You may never achieve “icon” status, but you’ll certainly strengthen the connection with your employees.