by Theresa Gutierrez

December 18, 2023

In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, change is not just an occasional challenge; it’s a constant reality. Being adept at change management, particularly concerning the implementation of new company policies, is a critical business capability. A structured change management approach can help ensure a smooth transition, engage employees, align with organizational goals and optimize effectiveness of the new policy while minimizing disruption to the business. Whether it’s integrating a hybrid work model, incorporating AI into work processes, adopting sustainable practices for the office or introducing new rules shaping business operations and workplace culture, taking the right steps for seamless integration and complete adoption is imperative. In this blog post, we delve into key principles crucial for effectively managing policy changes.

1. Transparent Communication and Feedback Loops: Transparent communication is pivotal during policy changes. Commencing early and maintaining regular communication are practices that foster understanding and trust. In an era marked by a decline in trust, employers have the responsibility to invigorate teams through open dialogue and feedback loops. For example, you can conduct a feedback loop with a diverse group of employees prior to rolling out the new policy to identify commonly asked questions or key dates for planning. Platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack or Viva Engage enable employees to ask questions and voice opinions, while survey tools such as SurveyMonkey or Microsoft Forms facilitate direct feedback collection. Utilizing these communication tools helps gauge employee understanding and sentiments regarding the new policy.

2. Tailored Training and Support Materials: Customized training sessions with associated materials are instrumental in acquainting employees with new policies. For instance, providing pre-implementation before rolling out a new diverse supplier program involving a new online portal with guidelines ensures proper usage. Tailor the training approach to suit your workplace—be it in-person classes, virtual demos or a hybrid version. Comprehensive tip sheets, user guides or a dedicated site on the company intranet for policies aid in comprehension and buy-in, ultimately reducing resistance to change.

3. Adaptability and Continuous Improvement: Even the most meticulously crafted change plans can veer off course unexpectedly. One way to help anticipate potential challenges is by establishing a dedicated change management team responsible for tracking milestones, managing timelines and addressing employee concerns. The team can help incorporate suggestions and input gathered from the feedback loop process. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and resilience, the team can take any setbacks in stride and view unplanned concerns as learning opportunities.

4. Measurement and Evaluation: Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) in advance of the rollout is paramount for evaluating effectiveness of the new policy. KPIs are accurate and unbiased measures of success that enable you to see the progress toward new policy adoption. The nature of the policy change warrants specific KPIs which you can develop using SMART criteria such as relevance and the time frame for full adoption. Some example KPIs include login statistics to new portals, training survey outcomes, IT queries or supplier base diversification. As you collect data post-implementation, you can analyze planned policy adoption and evaluate alignment with organizational goals and employee needs.

5. Policy Governance: The dynamic nature of information underscores the importance of regular policy reviews. Factors such as technological advancements, government regulations or organizational shifts can impact policy relevance. Consistently reviewing policies, especially those on complex topics like the use of AI, ensures compliance and relevance. In many cases annual review of a policy is sufficient, while a more frequent schedule may be necessary for rapidly changing issues like AI to monitor emerging best practices. Involving stakeholders like Legal and Human Resources to leverage their subject matter expertise and organizational know-how can help you stay current.

In summary, successful policy change management hinges on transparent communication, early stakeholder engagement, tailored training, adaptability and continuous evaluation. Embracing these principles lays the groundwork for effective policy transitions aligned with your organization’s vision while fostering an empowered and engaged workforce.

Is your organization gearing up to implement a new policy or change current workplace guidelines? Contact us to discuss the ways Dix & Eaton can partner with you to ensure a smooth transition.