November 7, 2022
Ben Rodriguez
In the last few years, Dix & Eaton has ramped up our social media efforts to share content on a...
April 21, 2022
People are hungry to see themselves. As we continue to honor and celebrate people’s differences, history, stories, and identity, we...
September 29, 2021
Vibrancy. Passion. Flavor. Those are the words I associate with my Hispanic culture. I’m proud of my Hispanic heritage. As...
January 27, 2021
Now, more than ever before, people are consuming content via video—it’s a fact. The physical workplace for many of us...
August 26, 2020
This is part two of a three-part series on diversity, inclusion and social justice in the workplace. Click here to...
July 21, 2020
PowerPoint is everywhere. It has been used (and abused) in the business world for so long that many are addicted...